Category: Contract Design

  • Template Drafting vs Transactional Drafting (Part 1)

    These days, my job involves helping clients simplify, improve and digitise their standard contracts. In other words, I help them develop better contract templates to use as the starting point for common transactions. (You can read more about what I do – and why I do it – here.) Naturally then, I spend a lot…

  • Contracts: The Case for Kindness

    Let me start by saying this post is targeted partly – if not wholly – at myself. When God was dishing out quotas of snark and cynicism, I received a generous dose. And it’s healthy to keep that in check, so please forgive a little indulgence on the topic of contracts and kindness.  When I…

  • Contract Improvement Personas: the Drafters, Designers, Digitisers and Doers

    Lots of people are working hard to improve the way contracts are created, agreed and managed. It’s a fascinating hive of activity. Now, if you’ve worked with me you’ll know I like nothing more than to come up with a model or diagram to explain things around me. It’s my way of bringing order to…