A blog about creating better contracts.

  • Short — Relevant — Fair

    If you’re reading this, you’re probably familiar with lots of the accusations thrown at contracts: And so on. Inevitably then, you’ll regularly hear that contracts should be made shorter, more relevant and more balanced. Cheers to all that (it’s what I do for a living after all). In practice, these aspirations can sometimes pull in…

  • Template Drafting vs Transactional Drafting (Part 2)

    This is the second of two posts that compare template drafting with transactional drafting. If you missed Part 1, by template drafting, I mean the process of creating the template contracts and standard terms that are used as the starting point for most transactions. Transactional drafting, on the other hand, describes the process of adapting…

  • Template Drafting vs Transactional Drafting (Part 1)

    These days, my job involves helping clients simplify, improve and digitise their standard contracts. In other words, I help them develop better contract templates to use as the starting point for common transactions. (You can read more about what I do – and why I do it – here.) Naturally then, I spend a lot…

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